Sleep Dentistry in Newton
Nitrous Oxide Sedation

Sleep Dentist, Sedation Dentist Near Me, Newton 50208
There are different sedation techniques that can be used to calm dental patients before and during in-office treatment, or to make them more comfortable for longer procedures.
Depending on your level of dental anxiety, Dr. Jacob Parsons may recommend one of the following types of dental sedation:
1. IV Moderate Conscious Sedation
IV sedation can be delivered in a manner that keeps you conscious. This level of sedation is only used for oral surgery. You’re unlikely to remember anything once the procedure is over. Currently, this is not a service we provide at our office. However, Dr. Parsons has built a network of specialists that can offer this to our patients.
2. Nitrous Oxide Sedation
Nitrous oxide or "laughing gas" is usually given before dental procedures such as oral surgery, root canal therapy, or multi-teeth procedures to help patients relax. The gas is administered by placing an apparatus over your nose to inhale it. The effects are mild, and you will be conscious (awake) during the procedure. The effects wear off as soon as the apparatus is removed and you stop inhaling the gas, usually within several minutes.
Nitrous oxide can be used alone, or in combination with oral sedation if stronger sedation is desired while keeping the patient awake.